Nexus 7 has root, but - Nexus 7 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

When apps that ask for root permissions are launched, it doesnt work, example: TI backup says that the device isnt rooted and i might have to check the SU binaries. My N7 was rooted before a update for Superuser was available, now something happen after i updated it. But i dont know what...

That's weird. After you updated your SU, did you go to SU to update its binaries?

i did that twice, and it did say to update

you might need SuperSu instead
What Android version are you running?
Droid_Boi86 said:
i did that twice, and it did say to update
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I had similar problems with "lightly rooted" stock (4.2.1/JOP40D) using a slightly older version of Superuser. Some apps could get root and others could not. But things have been in flux recently; read on...
I poked around a little bit and it appeared that the 4.2 multi-user stuff was interfering with the way that older versions of (ChainsDD's) Superuser worked, and at that time (only a couple weeks ago) ChainsDD had not released a newer update - things were still in flux.
I switched over to SuperSU, and no problems since... but....
...for me, installation of SuperSU didn't go swimmingly. As I recall the SuperSU install instructions say something like "you need to already have root to install the SuperSU `su' binary". Makes sense as it needs to write it's 'su' binary into /system, which in turn means it needs to get root privilege from a pre-existing su/Superuser installation.
So it poses a chicken-and-egg problem if you have lost root completely which I somehow managed to do... wait, I remember now! I had left the old 'su' binary in place, but had manually uninstalled "Superuser" from /system before I attempted the SuperSU install. Doh!
If you have lost root... you can manually install SuperSU offline inside the recovery via adb & the command line, which means getting both the SuperSU.apk and the 'su' binary ahead of time.
You can get the .apk from the market. You can attempt an install - it will download the 'su' binary and (no kidding) place a copy of it in /data/data/eu.chainfire.supersu/files/superuser.png
If you haven't lost root completely inside the booted OS, I suggest mounting /system in "rw" mode prior to running the SuperSU install and startup.
It looks like I am back a version or two - I have superSU v 0.99
4d7abc0eb5898cdb81bc233dcd16e052 /system/app/SuperSU.apk
0034ec008416b1c3fa7010deb8a3a758 /system/xbin/su
-rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 91992 Jan 10 16:40 /system/xbin/su
note the setuid,setgid bits on /system/xbin/su. Also - no symlink from /system/bin/su to xbin/su.
OK, sorry for the long post. There have been new releases from both chainfire (SuperSU) and chainsDD (Superuser) quite recently. Since I haven't had any troubles since 10 January, I haven't been following it closely - YMMV.


TF101 Problem, kinda lost OS root?

Hoping for some help because I've ran into some really odd issues with SuperUser/root on my TF101.
I used the guide in the Dev Forum and flashed to Prime 1.4, everything was great and working well. I made a Nandroid of my base to fall back on.
ChainsDD updated SuperUser on 6/10 or 6/11 and I accepted the update from the market. When I launched SU, I was prompted to update the Binary, I granted SU root access and it said it completed. However, since then, no app that requires root has requested SU according to the log and Kernel Manager is telling me I don't have root.
If I open Terminal Emulator, it is automatically at a # rather than a $
In Root Explorer, tapping the Mount R/W button changes to R/O and I was able to successfully create and delete a test folder in /system
I need to get SuperUser functioning again, any thoughts or ideas?
What's a TF104 model device?
Um. you do know that # in terminal emulator indicates that the app currently has root access?
Open superuser, its being recognized as permanent root because you allowed it to have root access.
And its TF101 not TF104.
Sorry, misread the model...
I know the # means root that's why the title is kinda lost root...
I'm not getting any of the notifications that SuperUser granted access, like I used to. Also, Kernel Manager isn't being granted Root access when I launch it
I think the SuperUser binary update failed, I got the binary from and flashed it from CWM. Then I cleared the SuperUser app data and launched it. I was again prompted to update the binary version. It failed and prompted me to to flash a zip that it downloaded to my SD card. That zip is a 0kb file.
Try downloading superuser from the market.
david279 said:
Try downloading superuser from the market.
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Same results
Also, Superuser is now randomly Force Closing on launch.
Talked with ChainsDD, it's a problem with how he compiled Super User for honeycomb. Fix will be released tomorrow.
Sent from my gginggerfied EVO
Fixed binary has been posted to
Sent from my gginggerfied EVO

Modifying the update to keep root

Ok, here is a new version of OTA2 for US tablets that should be flashable in CWR and should keep CWR and root without requiring the use of OTA rootkeeper. I would still protect root with OTA Rootkeeper and temp unroot before updating (you can try it without temp unroot but it has caused some problems for other users). This update will still scan all your system apps so you need to restore or unfreeze any system apps that you deleted or froze using Ti Backup.
This update is for owners of US tablets with root and ClockworkMod Recovery. Make sure your battery is well charged before flashing this, a dead battery mid update can create major problems!
1. Install OTA Rootkeeper and protect root. You should now temp unroot. Users who did not temp un-root have had issues with su access after updating.
2. Download the update below and put it on your external sdcard
3. Restore any system apps that you have removed
4. Reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery (Shutdown Thinkpad, turn on and press vol+ repeatedly until you see booting recovery image)
5. I would also highly recommend making a nandroid backup if you have not previously done so.
6. Select install zip from sdcard>choose zip from sdcard then browse to and select the update you downloaded here
7. will run, it will check your system apps during the update and may fail if you have changed something, if so the error message should explain why
8. Reboot tablet; it will be a very long reboot. This is normal; it seems to take forever but just let it boot.
9. Use OTA Rootkeeper to restore root.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
Original Message
So I would like to modify the new OTA so I get the updates without losing root and my current recovery. It is my understanding that the file: \META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script contains the instructions for how the update should run. Can I simply modify this script so that it won't delete root or overwrite my recovery or boot and then flash it in CWR? It looks like it would be pretty straight forward but it would be nice to get some information from someone more knowledgeable so that I don't mess something up and brick my TpT. One obvious line to remove would be where it deletes superuser.apk and su. There is also a section where it patches the boot image, I'm not sure what this patch does but I am worried that maybe somehow they might lock the bootloader. EDIT: I updated, and still have CWR so the bootloader didn't get locked. The other lines I would remove are the ones that reference recovery. If someone with knowledge of android would be willing to help me with this then I will upload my modified (assuming it works) so that others can avoid the hassle.
So I think that the process would be to delete the current \META-INF\ folder, then put in my modified updater script in \META-INF\com\google\android\updater-script and sign the update with SignApk.jar? Is this the correct process? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I attached the original updater-script below for anyone interested in taking a look.
I appreciate you posting the file. I've never worked with Android code and this was a great intro.
I'm not sure this will work. Although I'm not super knowledgeable in this.
I did find these two threads.
Of course, the latter is in respect to the Galaxy Nexus, and I am sure most of those people have unlocked bootloaders, etc. So again, not sure if those shed any more light on it, but am also curious on a process like this.
The update popped up on my tablet last night and I clicked "more info" and from what it lists, does not seem to be very many fixes
So I successfully updated in ClockworkMod Recovery without losing CWR and without deleting my Superuser.apk and su files by modifying the updater-script in the Unfortunately it still messed up my superuser permissions somehow and I ended up having to use ADB while booted into CWR to push and symlink the proper files to get su working again (OTA Rootkeeper wasn't functioning properly because the files were there but the permissions were messed up). I have modified the so that now it deletes the superuser.apk and su files but keeps clockworkmod recovery. With this and OTA Rootkeeper I think you should be able to update while keeping CWR and restoring root. I will also provide directions here for those seeking to make their own modifications and possibly improve upon my efforts, but proceed with caution.
So what I did was open the zip in winrar and extracted the updater-script. I then edited some lines of code using Notepad++, deleting the ones that referred to deleting recovery or installing a new recovery as well as the lines to delete superuser.apk and /system/bin/su and /system/xbin/su. I also commented out a couple lines at the beginning (assert(getprop("ro.product.device") == "Indigo") because I was getting an error code status 7 when it was trying to perform this check while using clockwork mod. I checked my build.prop and it does say Indigo so I don't know why the check failed but just removing the check was easier for me than figuring out the problem (generally it is not good to remove such checks but I was sure I had the right file). In Notepad++ you must select save as and choose type all files then just save it with the same name. Then replace the updater-script in your zip file with the modified one, I used winrar and chose the compression to just be store (ie no compression). Then you need to delete the CERT.RSA, CERT.SF, and MANIFEST.MF files in the META-INF folder of your and you sign the using testsign.jar. Then your new modified is ready to go.
I think that the reason things did not work out for me is that there are a bunch of lines in the updater script about symlinking and setting permissions for stuff in /system and I think /system/bin/su was originally symlinked to /system/xbin/su which is the real file so things got messed up and I had the files still but the symlink and or permissions were messed up. I eventually fixed this by booting into CWR mounting system and using adb to repush /system/xbin/su and setting permissions and making the new symlinked su file in /system/bin just like the last lines of Dan's Thinkpad root bat file did.
Here is a modified that should delete your Superuser files but keep your ClockworkMod Recovery. I think that with this file you can use OTA Rootkeeper to make a root backup, temp unroot, then boot into CWR and update to the new OTA then you should be able to reboot and use OTA Rootkeeper to restore root and download Superuser from the market, while keeping CWR through the entire process.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
That being said I think it will work. I followed this guide to sign my update.
Original updater-script
Modified updater-script in the linked above (this one deletes Superuser /system/bin/su and /system/xbin/su but keeps CWR)
Modified updater-script that I flashed on my tablet (this one messed up my su but doesn't delete the files)
If you need a good online file locker join Dropbox here and we'll both get an extra 250mb of space.
Unfortunately that didn't work for me, game me an error in CWR.
Is the other method, replacing the update scrip in the OTA and trying it ?
freezepop said:
Unfortunately that didn't work for me, game me an error in CWR.
Is the other method, replacing the update scrip in the OTA and trying it ?
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Depending on the error you can likely edit the updater-script yourself and successfully installed. Most errors are due to changes in system apps causing them to fail checks. If you remove an app check you should probably remove the corresponding patch for that app in the updater script. What error did you have?
Ok, here is a new version of OTA2 for US tablets that should be flashable in CWR and should keep CWR and root without requiring the use of OTA rootkeeper. I would still protect root with OTA Rootkeeper and temp unroot before updating (you can try it without temp unroot but it has caused some problems for other users). This update will still scan all your system apps so you need to restore or unfreeze any system apps that you deleted or froze using Ti Backup.
This update is for owners of US tablets with root and ClockworkMod Recovery. Make sure your battery is well charged before flashing this, a dead battery mid update can create major problems!
1. Install OTA Rootkeeper and protect root. You should now temp unroot. Users who did not temp un-root have had issues with su access after updating.
2. Download the update below and put it on your external sdcard
3. Restore any system apps that you have removed
4. Reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery (Shutdown Thinkpad, turn on and press vol+ repeatedly until you see booting recovery image)
5. I would also highly recommend making a nandroid backup if you have not previously done so.
6. Select install zip from sdcard>choose zip from sdcard then browse to and select the update you downloaded here
7. will run, it will check your system apps during the update and may fail if you have changed something, if so the error message should explain why
8. Reboot tablet; it will be a very long reboot. This is normal; it seems to take forever but just let it boot.
9. Use OTA Rootkeeper to restore root.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
jhankinson said:
Ok, here is a new version of OTA2 for US tablets that should be flashable in CWR and should keep CWR and root without requiring the use of OTA rootkeeper. I would still protect root with OTA Rootkeeper just in case something goes wrong but don't temp unroot before updating and see if root still works after the update. This update will still scan all your system apps so you need to restore or unfreeze any system apps that you deleted or froze using Ti Backup.
This update is for owners of US tablets with root and ClockworkMod Recovery. Make sure your battery is well charged before flashing this, a dead battery mid update can create major problems!
1. Install OTA Rootkeeper and protect root (just in case), you shouldn't need to temp unroot though with this update.
2. Download the update below and put it on your external sdcard
3. Restore any system apps that you have removed
4. Reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery (Shutdown Thinkpad, turn on and press vol+ repeatedly until you see booting recovery image)
5. I would also highly recommend making a nandroid backup if you have not previously done so.
6. Select install zip from sdcard>choose zip from sdcard then browse to and select the update you downloaded here
7. will run, it will check your system apps during the update and may fail if you have changed something, if so the error message should explain why
8. Reboot tablet; it will be a very long reboot. This is normal; it seems to take forever but just let it boot.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
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Thank you for your work. I have ROW version and waiting OTA2 for that, but still now I know how to modify update-script. I have a question, why not to remove any unneeded software from update and remove check for installed software which are already removed?
redbaron said:
Thank you for your work. I have ROW version and waiting OTA2 for that, but still now I know how to modify update-script. I have a question, why not to remove any unneeded software from update and remove check for installed software which are already removed?
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Different people have removed different apps so one person may want the patch while another might want it skipped. I was just posting a generic version here that works for stock system apps. If others want to further customize their script then they are welcome improve upon it or customize it for their own system.
jhankinson said:
Ok, here is a new version of OTA2 for US tablets that should be flashable in CWR and should keep CWR and root without requiring the use of OTA rootkeeper. I would still protect root with OTA Rootkeeper just in case something goes wrong but don't temp unroot before updating and see if root still works after the update. This update will still scan all your system apps so you need to restore or unfreeze any system apps that you deleted or froze using Ti Backup.
This update is for owners of US tablets with root and ClockworkMod Recovery. Make sure your battery is well charged before flashing this, a dead battery mid update can create major problems!
1. Install OTA Rootkeeper and protect root (just in case), you shouldn't need to temp unroot though with this update.
2. Download the update below and put it on your external sdcard
3. Restore any system apps that you have removed
4. Reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery (Shutdown Thinkpad, turn on and press vol+ repeatedly until you see booting recovery image)
5. I would also highly recommend making a nandroid backup if you have not previously done so.
6. Select install zip from sdcard>choose zip from sdcard then browse to and select the update you downloaded here
7. will run, it will check your system apps during the update and may fail if you have changed something, if so the error message should explain why
8. Reboot tablet; it will be a very long reboot. This is normal; it seems to take forever but just let it boot.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
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I flashed this zip. It didn't delete su or Superuser.apk, yet apps cannot get root access afterward. any suggestions?
mandrsn1 said:
I flashed this zip. It didn't delete su or Superuser.apk, yet apps cannot get root access afterward. any suggestions?
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That is what happened to me originally, it can be fixed though. Did you make a backup with OTA Rootkeeper? If so open Android Terminal emulator and type:
mount -o remount,rw /system
cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
ln -s /system/xbin/su /system/bin/su
chown root /system/xbin/su
chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su
Then reboot your tablet. I believe this should fix your root access. If you don't have a backup I think you can also fix it by running adb while booted into CWR. I can give you those instructions if this doesn't work.
Apparently you should temp un-root before installing my update then restore your su backup with OTA Rootkeeper after updating.
You wear the crown
Thanks for posting the fix, too. Waiting for reboot to finish.
Really appreciate all your hard work. The instructions you posted for me in thinkpad forums worked perfectly and I learned a lot in the process.
toenail_flicker said:
Thanks for posting the fix, too. Waiting for reboot to finish.
Really appreciate all your hard work. The instructions you posted for me in thinkpad forums worked perfectly and I learned a lot in the process.
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Did the fix work for you?
Still waiting for reboot. I waited about 20 minutes and rebooted manually. So far it still hasn't made it in for me to try the fix.
---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------
jhankinson said:
Did the fix work for you?
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Fix not yet working. Got this far
mount -o remount,rw /system
cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
error message
cp: applet not found
Any ideas?
toenail_flicker said:
Still waiting for reboot. I waited about 20 minutes and rebooted manually. So far it still hasn't made it in for me to try the fix.
---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------
Fix not yet working. Got this far
mount -o remount,rw /system
cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
error message
cp: applet not found
Any ideas?
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busybox cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
may have to type busybox before some of the other commands too if they give an error.
So my line would be
busybox cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
cp: applet not found
Just a quick note of thanks for getting me through this. Root is wonderful!
cp -f /system/su-backup /system/xbin/su
fails, use
dd if=/system/su-backup of=/system/xbin/su
jhankinson said:
Ok, here is a new version of OTA2 for US tablets that should be flashable in CWR and should keep CWR and root without requiring the use of OTA rootkeeper. I would still protect root with OTA Rootkeeper just in case something goes wrong but don't temp unroot before updating and see if root still works after the update. This update will still scan all your system apps so you need to restore or unfreeze any system apps that you deleted or froze using Ti Backup.
This update is for owners of US tablets with root and ClockworkMod Recovery. Make sure your battery is well charged before flashing this, a dead battery mid update can create major problems!
1. Install OTA Rootkeeper and protect root. You should now temp unroot. Users who did not temp un-root have had issues with su access after updating.
2. Download the update below and put it on your external sdcard
3. Restore any system apps that you have removed
4. Reboot into ClockworkMod Recovery (Shutdown Thinkpad, turn on and press vol+ repeatedly until you see booting recovery image)
5. I would also highly recommend making a nandroid backup if you have not previously done so.
6. Select install zip from sdcard>choose zip from sdcard then browse to and select the update you downloaded here
7. will run, it will check your system apps during the update and may fail if you have changed something, if so the error message should explain why
8. Reboot tablet; it will be a very long reboot. This is normal; it seems to take forever but just let it boot.
9. Use OTA Rootkeeper to restore root.
Flash at your own risk! I am not responsible if this totally bricks your tablet! This is the US update, do not flash if you are using a tablet from another region! Seriously this stuff could cause problems.
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Thx jhankinson, this work for me. my TPT 1838 US.

Newest KingRoot works on xt1028

I have just rooted my 4.4.4 Xt1028 using KingRoot v 4.5.0 it's not permanent and I can't get xposed to install because of the ro system, My main phone is an xt1028 that was unlocked with sunshine on 4.4.3. However sunshine doesn't support the 4.4.4 so Im at a loss on what to do next. Any suggestions?
Indeed, I've stumbled upon the same thing!
Root goes away after a reboot, but enough to run TitaniumBackup, or a few other apps that want root in order to read the file system.
This is identical to the prior PIE exploit that worked up to 4.4.2 I wonder if there is a way to package this stuff from KingRoot in order not to waste time running it so obviously after each reboot ...
i got a 2013 Moto G Vzw prepaid that i got back when they were $24.95
been waiting to see if it can be rooted or unlocked to get CM installed or something
i turned it on today, tried the activation bypass and i was able to get into the OS
( pressing next, pull down noticication, then multitask and swype away)
(this device is on KK 4.4.4)
i was able to install and run kingroot 4.5.0 and it gave me some error, BUT it worked successfully anyways....
i can confirm root with titanium and terminal etc...
i have yet to restart it, but my purpose of this is to use it as a gopro remote, or playing ingress or some type of home automation
this should get my by until something else is found
The root is temporary whether or not you reboot. After a while, root stops working and sometimes makes your phone unstable. Everything may start to crash and you'd have to reboot your phone.
Teet1 said:
The root is temporary whether or not you reboot. After a while, root stops working and sometimes makes your phone unstable. Everything may start to crash and you'd have to reboot your phone.
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This is true, I've seen it too.
What is interesting is that root checker claims that there is /system/xbin/su present by Kingroot. But /system is always read only. ES explorer appears to create files in /system, but if you quit and re-launch, there are no files there.
From shell, I tried to quickly replace KingRoot with SuperSu :
This did not work since in shell it claims that the file system is read only.
I wonder how Kingroot manages to maintain the illusion of /system/xbin/su for a while.
There could be a way to authorize SuperSu with Kingroot, and keep the temporary root all the way until a reboot.
I would be so happy to have xposed frameworks at least maybe busybox. my main phone is an xt1028 unlocked but my brothers was already on 4.4.4 that's why I'm so excited about this progress
bibikalka said:
This is true, I've seen it too.
What is interesting is that root checker claims that there is /system/xbin/su present by Kingroot. But /system is always read only. ES explorer appears to create files in /system, but if you quit and re-launch, there are no files there.
From shell, I tried to quickly replace KingRoot with SuperSu :
This did not work since in shell it claims that the file system is read only.
I wonder how Kingroot manages to maintain the illusion of /system/xbin/su for a while.
There could be a way to authorize SuperSu with Kingroot, and keep the temporary root all the way until a reboot.
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If it manages to write into /system, perhaps we can exploit KingRoot to do some more in depth stuff?
Teet1 said:
If it manages to write into /system, perhaps we can exploit KingRoot to do some more in depth stuff?
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It does not write into /system, it just fools the OS for a short while that somehow "su" was placed into /system/xbin . That's the strange thing about it!
bibikalka said:
It does not write into /system, it just fools the OS for a short while that somehow "su" was placed into /system/xbin . That's the strange thing about it!
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I read it uses an exploit on the system to gain root or temproot. Maybe we can do the same?

Permission problem on storage/emulated/0

Hi all
I have Samsung S4 now for 3 years. It is rooted and I am using SuperSU. When last month I updated SuperSU through Google Play to buggy version 2.80, I lost root. To fix that, I installed 2.79 through TWRP and gained back the root. Then I updated to version 2.82 through Google Play, but yesterday discovered the problem with permissions on storage/emulated/0. The problem is, that this directory and all subfolders becomed read only. Or to be exacted, If I create a subfolder I got this error "su error: mkdir failed for /storage/emulated/0/test, Permission denied". Same error if I want to remove any file, etc. Also changing permission doesn't work.
Can anyone please help me?
thank you
best regards
Stop updating SuperSU from the Play Store. There are always some sort of problems with it.
The most logical step is to completely unroot, then reroot again. Have fun.
Also, why do you get a su error? Creating folders doesn't require super user rights. Unless you tried to do it with the terminal emulator.

Accidentally uninstalled SuperSU

Hi guys
I am pretty new to android, but i know a lot about pc's.
I have a OP5 and rooted it, but then i had an issue with SuperSU and uninstalled it. What i did not think, is that if i reinstall it, it has no root access, because i can not grant it.
So i tried reinstalling it with TWRP, but it did not get root access.
Does anyone know how to give it root again/reinstall it with root?
(i could reflash the os and reinstall superSU, but i dont want to set uo the phone again)
Also does anyone know the progress on nethunter for OP5?
Thanks and yours
Cacciu said:
Hi guys
I am pretty new to android, but i know a lot about pc's.
I have a OP5 and rooted it, but then i had an issue with SuperSU and uninstalled it. What i did not think, is that if i reinstall it, it has no root access, because i can not grant it.
So i tried reinstalling it with TWRP, but it did not get root access.
Does anyone know how to give it root again/reinstall it with root?
(i could reflash the os and reinstall superSU, but i dont want to set uo the phone again)
Also does anyone know the progress on nethunter for OP5?
Thanks and yours
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It's been awhile since I used SuperSU so I might be fuzzy: SuperSU has two components, 1) the .zip portion installed from TWRP and 2) the APK. The zip is like "the framework/service/su" part and the APK is the app that just tracks and loads the DB with which apps or services have been granted SU access.
My question is "Which of these did you uninstall?" : OR: Did you uninstall both? Maybe only uninstalling one or the other causes an 'out of sync' condition.
Anyway: This version of SuperSU discussed in that thread has the APK in the .zip file. By definition all TWRP recoveries are rooted and can do what they want to like installing SuperSU.
What happens after you boot seems more likely to be about left-over crud from the APK / DB component, (and I'm guessing here), so if the SuperSU APK is still there, I'd clear it's data entirely, perhaps get rid of it entirely if you can and reinstall the .zip that contains all parts of SuperSU (maybe they all do now) from that link ^^. Make sure that link I gave is the one you want (systemless, etc).
TWRP should've done the heavy lifting during SuperSU install since it's already rooted. If it didn't, then keep the log from TWRP and look over it's install steps during the SuperSU install. Post it here maybe.
Thanks for the answer.
I uninstalled the apk.
I already tried to install the apk directly and also installing it from the zip, and there was either a message like "no root detected" or " root is corrupted".
I also deleted the su folder, uninstalled the apk and reinstalled the zip. But it was always the same: the apk did either say it's not rooted or did not install/show in the apps.
Probably i have to unroot and root it, or do you have any other idea?
TWRP Terminal
I found out, that there is a terminal with root access on twrp. So i searched for eu.chainfire.supersu with the find comman and use chown root:root to give each directory root access. But it still did not recognize the root. So i thought about the db you said and maybe it doesnt recognize the db.
So i tried the same with dsploit as it doesnt run without root, but it's the same.
I will try to delete all the supersu directories as well as any su directory and reinstall the zip. Or if there is an apt-get, i will try it to install it by terminal
Cacciu said:
I found out, that there is a terminal with root access on twrp. So i searched for eu.chainfire.supersu with the find comman and use chown root:root to give each directory root access. But it still did not recognize the root. So i thought about the db you said and maybe it doesnt recognize the db.
So i tried the same with dsploit as it doesnt run without root, but it's the same.
I will try to delete all the supersu directories as well as any su directory and reinstall the zip. Or if there is an apt-get, i will try it to install it by terminal
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You might be out of luck if you deleted the su directory or any other related to binary su code. I'm not sure why you couldn't do a reinstall of the original SuperSU .zip file. You've got that whole 'catch-22' thing going right now.
The only thing I'm wondering about is whether a certain amount of cleanup has to take place before you can just roll SuperSU*.zip over an old mangled version and get it to work. Do you get errors in TWRP when trying to reinstall the entire package?
---------- Post added at 02:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:05 PM ----------
I downloaded this version of SuperSU (which may or may not be what you used, but you of course want the one you used):
Then I unzipped it and the installer script for not only the binary parts but the apk is here .\SR1-SuperSU-v2.82-SR1-20170608224931\META-INF\com\google\android\updater-binary. (updater-script is a dummy). It's kind of old school and is very easy to understand (the shell script that installs it).
All the files that it pushes onto the SD are easy to find and use, although you have to keep SELinux settings in mind.
It's worth taking a look at if you want to try to rebuild the wrecked version or if you want to just reapply the zip and have a better understanding of any errors it spits out.
Good luck.

