Pocket GBA Screen Rotation - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

Pocket GBA is great and i've gotten it working but when i choose the landscape mode it's rotated the wrong way! (Seems like a fair few apps have this problem, would be nice if there was some gfx hack that would make them think they've rotated the other way )
Also I can't figure out how to exit it without soft resetting my universal.
to be honest i'm fairly dissapointed with the state of games/apps for the universal, a lot of them seem to be *so close* but not quite there, and naturally the author hasn't released the source so you have to like it or lump it(have the same problem with xbox 1 ports of things too, bah!)

cycloid said:
Pocket GBA is great and i've gotten it working but when i choose the landscape mode it's rotated the wrong way! (Seems like a fair few apps have this problem, would be nice if there was some gfx hack that would make them think they've rotated the other way )
Also I can't figure out how to exit it without soft resetting my universal.
to be honest i'm fairly dissapointed with the state of games/apps for the universal, a lot of them seem to be *so close* but not quite there, and naturally the author hasn't released the source so you have to like it or lump it(have the same problem with xbox 1 ports of things too, bah!)
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Perhaps a hard reset could help
Remember Universal was made on 2005 so it´s a miracle it still alive and still one of the best devices ever!
Of course it has limits but I´m sure if you load a game launched on 2005 should work ok!


screen rotation software please

Does any one know where I can get the software to switch views on the xda2 screen between portrait & landscape formats ? When I am trying to view spread sheets it becomes extreemly frustraiting having to scroll accross every time I want to view things !!! :x
hey mate,
when i was still using my xda1 i tried out 2 kinds of software; ny-something (forgot the name) and another one called jslandscape. the ny works better but i never got the correct settins to make the appearance right (based on resolution). and the worse part is to uninstall the sucker you have to do a hard reset. now that i'm using an xda2 i haven't heard of anyone successfully using either of the 2 softwares i mentioned; a friend of mine had to do a hardreset after trying it out on his unit. my 2 cents worth is that be VERY careful when you decide to try out orientation software; make sure you back up your data well.
Have a look at http://www.nyditot.com/
I never testesed it but it seems very good (pocketpc award 2003)
I use nyditot quite a lot, at 480x360 landscape for terminal services and web browsing, and it works perfectly. Note that there were issues with PC2003 until recently, so make sure you get the latest version.
I beleive you can uninstall it without a hard reset. However, you need to do a soft reset between screen changes which can be a bit irritating.
Also, the SIP is scaled too, so can be a bit fiddly to use at finer resolutions, although I rather like it tiny.
I just wish PPC devices would start to use, and properly support, the new 640x480 screens that are becoming standard on Palm5 devices.
I also use the nyditot software. I first started using it when I had an iPAQ but since it works with WM2003 is was able to migrate to my XDA II

Working Games and game related questions...please post here

I dont normally play games on me mobile but things have changed since I got my SPV3100 and now my Ameo!
Was thinking we could start a list with useful links of games that actually work on the ameo.
Ive managed to find a classic, wolfenstein 3d, its a complete port and it runs really well!
I was wondering tho if anyone can get Quake or Doom working. (found hpc doom but it crashes at the very start, looks like it would work but doesnt)
What games do you guys have working on your Athena?
Got Doom Working! Its Great!
Managed to get doom working fine.
Heres where you need to go to download the program, it runs in Portrait at the moment but works smoothly nonetheless.
Joystick - Directional Control
Tap at the bottom half of the screen / Comm Manager Button - Fire
If you want to exit, click the X in the top right, then Press the camera button. Once in the main menu, move down to exit game and then press the camera button again.
You need to have the DOOM1.wad file (read the readme file that comes with the program from explainations)
Very nice!
Have fun!
My personal favourites are
SPB Brain Evolution (although it infuriates me!)
SPB Air Islands (the game sucks, but it has some cool minigames and it's VGA!)
ScummVM is a must! Its free, you just have to get the game files. There are even some free games.
Favourites of mine, Sam 7 Max, Simon the Sourcerer, Day of the Tentacle
It works, but you have problems starting it up. Start with the pda in portrait mode, and fumble your way around to the options menu to get to graphics settings and turn on the 2x doubling. Once thats done it works fine from then on.
Megadrive Emulator
Managed to get PicoDrive working altho all the keys are messed up because of the screen orientation, it seems to get the joystick confused, and makes UP left and DOWN right for some reason, still looks good on the Ameo tho!
Keep em coming!
Thanks for the games so far
Pyrofer said:
ScummVM is a must! Its free, you just have to get the game files. There are even some free games.
Favourites of mine, Sam 7 Max, Simon the Sourcerer, Day of the Tentacle
It works, but you have problems starting it up. Start with the pda in portrait mode, and fumble your way around to the options menu to get to graphics settings and turn on the 2x doubling. Once thats done it works fine from then on.
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Wow! ScummVM rocks! I had forgotten how much I loved Sam n Max!
findus said:
My personal favourites are
SPB Brain Evolution (although it infuriates me!)
SPB Air Islands (the game sucks, but it has some cool minigames and it's VGA!)
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Gotta agree with you on Spb Brain Evo ..simply the nuts. I also like the 'Real Dice' ensemble of games like;
Real Dice Mahjong
Real Dice Dominos
Real Dice Sudoku Master II......all are in high quality genuine VGA. They look and play really well.
Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe (2.0 beta) works perfectly (just remember to set the phone to portrait view before starting). Now with the "original" music sounds!
SIM Coupe (SAM Coupe emulator) works okay if you start in Portrait mode with only the "keyboard" menu being present as a glitch. (I thought I'd posted about Pocket Commodore Plus/4, too, which works but is PAINFULLY slow sometimes).
For bought games, Broken Sword (Astraware) demo looks very very promising indeed; it rotated the screen correctly and looks very pretty, and appears to be playing at the correct speed.
This is my first post so hope im doing this ok.
I am thinking of getting one of there phones as a friend has one.
I currently have a hermes and all is ok, the problem is that the athena is lacking in buttons on the front that are needed to play games, like "fire" in worms for example.
none of the keyboard buttons seem to work.
Is there a way round this?
I have the same trouble, Worms in X7500 only admit two buttons and the game requires three buttons to work correctly.
Can someboy modify the wwpsave.dat as somebody did for the HTC Touch to make the x7500 buttons workable for this game???
Thank you.

SNES or NES Emulator for Advantage / Ameo / Athena

Hello folks,
This is my first post here. First I want to say thanks to the community at large here for the wealth of information that can be found here on the forums and wikis. You guys have made my HTC Advantage x7501 that much more valuable and entertaining for me!
My question is about SNES and NES emulation for the Advantage (or Ameo or Athena). I have read the wiki articles on SNES and NES emulators, and I have tried a number of the programs, but so far I haven't been very successful. There seem to be so many options out there, and a lot of the links and information is old or no longer valid (I can't find Tala's OpenGL SNES emulator to try it out, for instance).
If you have a SNES or NES emulator that work for you on your device, which one is it and what settings do you use?
I have tried these ones, to varying degrees of success:
n0p's PocketSNES: freezes up on me, seems unable to load a ROM
SNES9xJ4u: was able to change menus from Japanese to English, but I can't get a good picture. It loads portrait style, but not in a usable way (really small, picture garbled a little). On the plus side, it is REALLY fast.
PocketNester: I've had the most success with this one. I can get games going in portrait, looking good. Button/key-mapping is really weird, it seems that PocketNester remaps it automatically in some weird fashion. Landscape would be nice.
PocketNesterPlus: For whatever reason I can't see all of the menus to change options or key-mapping. I can't use the scroll bar. Without being able to map keys or fiddle with graphics, I haven't been able to use this one. I really wish I could, because landscape would be sweet.
SmartGear: This one runs fast. Really fast. But the graphics are way off and I can't adjust them. It runs just a tiny box in portrait.
Lastly, I should note that I have tried and love ScummVM. If you're a fan of those old school games try it out! Monkey Island, baby.
maybe u shud try morphgear
Yeah, Morphgear is the one of the few that I haven't tried yet. I have to admit that I was hoping for a free solution, but I'll give it a shot and reply back with my experience.
Have you tried Morphgear on the Advantage?
I tried Morphgear, with the SNES plugin, and it looks very hopeful! I can get it to work in landscape at a good speed.
I'm still working on getting the keymapping right, and so far I haven't been able to get sound working. I'll let you know if I am able to get it going right.
Anyone happen to know where I can find a working link to Tala's OpenGL SNES emulator? If so, can you point me in the right direction? I'm not sure how it would work on my Advantage, but I'd like to give it a shot.
OpenGL On the Advantage/AMEO
I to have been trying to find an OpenGL driver for this phone for three days solid but I am pretty sure that it is not possible due to, if I remember correctly back in the day HTC crippled this functionality which led to talk up a clash action suit in the States for this and other HTC phones that doesn't support 3-D acceleration, or did I just dream that scenario?
As I have left this issue for over two years before searching a couple of days ago I was hoping that somebody in development in this forum would have found a way to get round this problem but last I think this phones development days are numbered, sadly.
There is nothing when you do a Google search and when you do a search in this forum you get the three results including this thread. I believe this thread answers our question, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=670429&highlight=OpenGL
"HTC Sense uses opengl and it cannot run smoothly without a hardware accelerated opengl driver for the device.
As far as there is no hw opengl driver for Athena devices you won't see any ROM with Sense on Athena."
Such a shame as this phone with its fast CPU backing the day would have been awesome with 3-D acceleration.
optical10 said:
I to have been trying to find an OpenGL driver for this phone for three days solid but I am pretty sure that it is not possible due to...........
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I might have spoken too soon, I found this suggestion:
"Vincent ES 1.x is a 3D rendering library based on the OpenGL (R) ES 1.1 API specification (Common Lite) for embedded devices." http://sourceforge.net/projects/ogl-es/
,which worked okay but not brilliant for the Throttle Launcher Theme application. anyway it's a start and may be will be good enough for 3-D gamig on the advantage, see what you think.
I have no emulators to try it on but the instructions seemed to be drop it in the folder of the application you are using and it is detected so maybe you can see if it speeds up the emulator rendering?

Random thoughts regarding my X1.

Well, people, it has been 5 months since i got the phone and i think it's about time i shared some thoughts with you. Nothing special, just telling you my experiences so far.
I should start by saying that i hesitated between the Touch Pro and the Xperia for nearly 3 months. Then in december i decided to buy the X1. It was the best phone purchase related decision i have ever made ! Usualy when I'm sure i want a certain phone, it turns out that the phone is crap. This time around after hesitating so much I made the absolutely right call .
It is the best phone i have ever used/ touched/ bought and it is 100% the right phone for my needs. After trying out a lot of smartphones and pocket pc phones over the last 5 months (pretty much everything from Touch Pro/ HD, Omnia, N95, 96 and other Nokia devices to Motorola and Samsung) I came to the conclusion that the X1 is THE BEST phone in the world today. I don't see any direct threat for its superiourity until the Touch Pro 2 arrives.
I really cannot imagine how I have lived without it .
I'm not saying it is perfect - far from it. It has its flaws. But for this exact moment in time it has no competition.
I'm not going to do a review here of Pro's and Con's, but a simple list of what I use and my impressions.
I am happy, I never got any cracks (and there have been 5 or 6 major drops , one of wich was from over 1 meter and the phone hit a steel table's edge and some hard tiles ont he floor). The only thing that I really don't like is that a lot of dust and other stuff congregates in the edges of the screen. It was a stupid designer decision to make it that way (recessed). The battery rarely last more than 12 hours , but I use the device a lot hehe. The Camera sucks. It is blurry and slow etc. But w/e, I didn't buy a camera after all.
I really enjoy the overall shape of the device and the feel of it in the hand. It's solid, but fits good in my pockets. The slide mechanism is flawless (at least so far ).
The mood lights are pretty cool and useful especially at night. The panels need more work though.
The phone is pretty fast after a hard reset, but gets progressively slower after i install 200+ apps hehe. I got around 140 games and more than 150 apps installed on it.
Here are the apps I use the most.
At first I did a lot of hard reseting, ROM try outs, apps and games intalations etc. After awhile i figured what i need and stuck with the original (now updated) ROM believe it or not. I made a folder with all the games and apps sorted out, which enbles me to reinstall them in a couple of hours.
At the beginning I used the Xperia primarily for Video (all the season of Prison Break ftw), YouTube and browsing (Opera>IE). Also some gaming and radio (online and panel).
After a month or so i started using Office, Mail clients and GPS (IGO 8)a lot more (I guess i had some major work going on at this time and some travelling).
Now the 3 apps i use the most are:
- Microsoft Reader (IMHO the best e-book reader out there). If you turn on ClearType there is no strain on the eyes and you could read for hours. By the way a side note. If you are a sci-fi fan and haven't read the Commonwealth series by Peter F. Hamilton you should be really ashamed of yourself . These books blew my mind away.
- SPB Insight. Very good RSS reader. I use it all the time. I really like to download a lot of articles and then read them whenever I don't have anything else to do (travelling on the train, stuck in traffic etc.).
- MP3 players !!! I got Pocket Player, Pocket Music and S2P, but what I use the most is Mort Player. It is outstanding. 1000 MP3s of my fav tracks ftw .
I'm not into social networking apps, so I don't use Facebook and stuff. I really prefer to call or see someone face to face.
For movies I use WMP and convert the files beforehand with the AMAZING HD video converter by projection. For other types of files I use the Core Player 1.3 Thank you.
I use the outstanding WVGAfix by Cotulla for a lot for the games that are not in fullscreen (that is about 3/4 of them). Thank you.
A list of some other great apps that i like follows:
Astro Navigator 2
BEIKS Dictionaries
QuickMark (nice barcode reader)
VirtuaMouse (gives you a cursor )
MagiCall (for the calls you DON'T want to take)
MP3 Trimmer (Cut your MP3s right in the phone and make your own ringtones without the use of a PC) A must!.
Resco Photo Viewer (A mini Photoshop)
Pocket Cleaner
Resco Radio
Resco Audio Recorder
SKTools 9Great for tweaking)
SPB Time (I use the screensaver only)
SPB Weather 2.0 (It is one amazing weather app)
SPB Online (Incredible software giving you access to online games, TV and more)
WkTask (If you don't have this - you have nothing. Amazing task manager and today plug-in, changes the "x" button and a lot more)
Xperia Tweak
HomeScreen PlusPlus (Absolutely a must for anyone. Gives you the ability to launch apps from the tray, monitor Xperia's temperature, CPU speed, battery drain and much more)
MorphGear (What can I say. Now i got 5 thousand (5000) games on my X1, from NES and SNES to Gameboy and SEGA, playable in landscape with customizable keyboard keys.)
WM Torrent
PhoneEx (Great call manager, but strangely enough, prevents me from using 3G calling???)
Resco Today Plugin
Task Manager 3.1 (Beats the Windows XP task manager hands down)
There are more, but these are the best ones IMHO.
There were 2 other apps i tried, but i cannot palce the names right now. One was for controling the phone from the PC screen and the other used the phone as a second display for your PC. If i remember the names I'll post .
I bought some random cases for it, but what i really like to get is a case i saw on YouTube. It has spare battery slot and slots for SIM cards and MicroSD cards. I need a docking station too, but never got around to buying one.
Congratulations if you read the whole thing . These are thing that popped into my mind right away. I guess there is more, but I'm not going to bore you to death haha.
Feel free to ask me anything, post comments and better yet share your own thoughts and experiences.
Thanks for this post im a new X1 owner and this list of apps is a great place for me to start
SkyW4lk3r said:
Thanks for this post im a new X1 owner and this list of apps is a great place for me to start
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You are welcome . That is one of the reasons i decided to make the post. To share some of the apps i got. I think not all of them are well known to most of the people.
Some advice:
Backup software is useless. Even if you backup everything 100% the phone WILL act strangely afterwards. If you screw up something, hard reset is the only option .
You seem to have tried most things...have you tried 3D ?
The superb resolution, outstanding colour and brightness of the X1 screen is perfect for viewing 3D.
Are you ready for the next big leap in the mobile experience?
Check out the 3D thread at the end this post.
I heard the back battery cover can become loose if you open it too often ie. flashing too many roms, what's your experience on this issue?
how to use morphgear.. ?
i left my x1 for touch hd...
the faulty keyboard and casing had me enough
The thing which catched my eyes was your opinion about backup/restore.
I'm going to backup my X1 via Sprite Backup...
What did you backup? I think it's better not to backup apps....
Sorry for not responding earlier, but I had some Internet issues. They are all solved now hehe .
Mark A Cilenti said:
You seem to have tried most things...have you tried 3D ?
The superb resolution, outstanding colour and brightness of the X1 screen is perfect for viewing 3D.
Are you ready for the next big leap in the mobile experience?
Check out the 3D thread at the end this post.
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Absolutely. It looks amazing. I am not a fan though and haven't made anything myself, but i did try some stuff made by other people. I'm looking forward to seeing more developent in the area.
steven10freak said:
I heard the back battery cover can become loose if you open it too often ie. flashing too many roms, what's your experience on this issue?
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I don't have any problems with the cover of my X1 and I have removed it hundreds of times. I guess it is either a rumour or a manufacturing problem with some of the X1s. Same as the cracks. Certain factory batches have the problem, others don't.
aksx1 said:
how to use morphgear.. ?
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What do you mean? Do you have a problem with it? If yes, share the problem. I might be able to help. Anyways. All you have to do is:
1 - Install Morphgear
2 - Install the module you want (NES module, GameBoy module etc.)
3 - Deselect "disable fullscreen" from the "global options" menu.
4 - Select the keys to play with from the menu (done separately for each module)
5 - Play and Enjoy .
leobox1 said:
i left my x1 for touch hd...
the faulty keyboard and casing had me enough
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I don't have any problems with either. You should have tried getting your X1 replaced with a new one, because it was probably a faulty device.
doministry said:
The thing which catched my eyes was your opinion about backup/restore.
I'm going to backup my X1 via Sprite Backup...
What did you backup? I think it's better not to backup apps....
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I have tried all of the most popular backup software. They do their job fine and after a backup you have all your items, apps, settings (whatever you choose). The problem I have with all of them is that after a backup the device is unstable. It tends to freeze up, crash or generally do things slowly. No matter how good the backup is, it is ecentially a negative experience for your system and software.
In my eyes, backup is only useful if you don't want to loose certain info or w/e. It is not good for restoring your device into full working condition. Hard reset ftw .
Just my experience and opinion though. I might be completely wrong.
But hey, who would want to backup their personal data (this way)? I hope ya'll are not using My Documents?!? I put all of my files on the storage card and I can Hardreset as often as I want without losing any files...
But one thing regarding backup: I want a backup that I can plae right after Hardreset. So what I will do (once I have tested all the software I've downloaded and erased the bad ones) is a Hardreset and then install all the software and THEN make a backup, so in case of problems I can first Hardreset and then directly use that backup to get back all of my software without having to reinstall each one separately. Have you tested such a case? I've tried RESCO Backup (Which is bull**** because it can't create a standalone-exe and instead produces 100 ZIP folders...), Spb backup (Which crashed my inbox so I couldn't open it anymore AND did only a partial restoration because I was running out of memory (Stock Videos/Music... )) and Sprite Backup (Which looks quite good but requires Softresets all the time and the standalone-Exe needs to fit in RAM, I guess, so if it's bigger than about 180 MB it won't work... And apart from that it takes a minute to open up, Spb Backup with their separate restorer is better regarding this point). You know any others? I know about Sprite Clone, I think it would be very good for my purpose, but I suppose it's only a pimped up version of Sprite Backup... At least it looks the same.
I keep all my stuff on the SD card as well.
I have tried restoring apps after a hard reset and nothing woks as it should. Everything seems normal at first, but then small glitches start to appear.
The software you mentioned is pretty much the best out there, but I won't use any of it anymore.
dude, you gotta try Tomtom. imo it's the best app for the x1 and really completes the x1 experience.
I have . I prefer IGO8 though. I have tried Garmin XT, CoPilot 7 and some free stuff too. IMHO IGO8 beats all of them.
do you have the cab for IGO8?


Anyone had any luck with emulation for the TP2? I knew this thing didn't have a D-Pad so... portrait mode is out of question. Now landscape should work but doesn't... at least in full screen(1/6 of the screen to be exact!). The only ones that worked somewhat were Morph Gear (shows 1/6 of the full screen in landscape mode) and Pocket Nester (only portrait works but doesn't rotate when opening keyboard (YES, I tried pocket nester plus also and checked landscape with no avail). I have to admit something... I've been away from WM for a year now and have grow fond of Android. The app store is nice and everything is compatible. WM MAIN PROBLEM is most dev. have left for Apple/Android/Palm...(jk! about Palm, lol) and/or haven't updated their programs in 2 years. Plus, having 8 different common screen size resolutions doesn't help much either. Emulation (albeit, sounds silly) is (or should be) big part of my pda's functionality. The screen isn't as responsive as I had hoped for a smartphone without a d-pad/trackball either. Android/iphone's touch screen is super responsive and I figured WM would be better is they had added the newer capacitive type of touchscreen. I'm really thinking of returning this phone. For $300, it should have been a lot better. I bet developers will come back when WM6.5 comes around with the marketplace and all. But who knows... Before you all start flaming, please remember I've been here for several years and am just a little frustrated after hours of trying to figure out what works and what doesn't with my old programs. Also, if anyone finds a solution for better emulators, PLEASE feel free to post something. I will do the same as soon as I regain my composer and get some sleep. I really hate to completely abandon WM and would like to find a solution. The TP2 really has a lot of good points but I'm sure most know what they are and what are some of it's shortcoming (which are aggravating me right now). It is pretty new and will sure to have a lot more folks working behind this sub-forum section soon enough. It is a pretty damn cool phone... just pissing me off right now. Please make a comment or suggestion below.
Good night!
I believe Morph Gear WILL work out as a good all-around emulator. As resting my mind somewhat, I realized there is an option to stretch rom image to full screen in the individual emulator console settings (example: SNES console). Combined with the k for Raphael app., landscape mode WILL work. And about the touch screen and D-pad, more force on the touch screen DOES help for better responsiveness for use without the stylus. The D-pad is somewhat made up for with the zoom bar (which sometimes zooms or scrolls (depends on what app you're using). Since I have answered my own questions (without any help from you all! ), let this be a lesson to all newbies... even old folks (members, I should say) make mistakes. I think I'll keep the TP2 (major dilemma avoided) but WM should take a lesson from apple/android and get capacitive screens!
I guess we'll have to wait on WM7 for that though
I had the same problem with Pocket Nester. I actually had to revise my comment. This is basically a bump.
I have the (telus) TP2 and have got morph gear working if you have a ctrl key there is and easier way but to get it working on my phone i downloaded KforTouchPro and morphgear start KforTP and hit switch to M$ IME then minimize then slide out my keyboard and open morphgear (i have found sliding after causes plroblems) and then im free to play (however another issue if i touch the landscape Right side of the screen if gets all screwed up but if i touch the landscape Left side of the screen it goes full screen.
If you really wanna go portrait this MIGHT work http://www.slipperybrick.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/bt_gamepad.jpg
shawndh said:
I had the same problem with Pocket Nester. I actually had to revise my comment. This is basically a bump.
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I got pocket nester plus to work along with k for raphael. The up down left right arrows are backwards so it'll take a second to figure it out.
On my Wing, Pocket nester would work in landscape mode when I turned GAPI off in the graphics settings. haven't tried on the TP2 yet. The lack of a dpad is a game killer.
toadlife said:
On my Wing, Pocket nester would work in landscape mode when I turned GAPI off in the graphics settings. haven't tried on the TP2 yet. The lack of a dpad is a game killer.
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yeah, it takes some getting used to, for sure... I had PLENTY of practice with my good old HTC Dream (which has a trackball) but actually once you get used to the arrows and keys on the landscape physical keyboard, your gameplay improves. Mainly, becasue there is more room for your fingers. I used to use my HTC Wizard with the D-pad and it was great but some games were hard to play with the dpad and two hardware softkeys. BOY, that was a great phone! It had so many keys to map for portrait mode (5 plus the dpad! Another small flaw with the TP2. only volume keys and a back button are mappable. I'm sure we'll get the speaker/mute button working on the back soon enough. well, a bad strom is here and I am afraid for my pc's life... so I must go! lol... I hope my surge protector works well. **** it, I'm pulling the plug...
I use Morph Gear for my emulation. Although it slower then other programs it's still playable. I can use the keyboard for playing and can stretch the screen so It looks pretty good especially with the image smoothing on.
One thing I do recommend is FPSeCE this is a playstation emulator. You can search around google for version 9.6 it works great in landscape. The framerate is a bit slow on some games but most are playable. FFVII puts out around 30-40 frames for me with sound off and keyboard works great. Just make sure you have the GFX set to GAPI, Landscape right, and that you start the program with the keyboard open. If you do that you won't need the WVGA fix to use it.
I'm really curious if it might be possible to use a bluetooth controller... I would totally rock a BT modded SNES with my TP2... ::dreams::
toadlife said:
On my Wing, Pocket nester would work in landscape mode when I turned GAPI off in the graphics settings. haven't tried on the TP2 yet. The lack of a dpad is a game killer.
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i just cant for the life of me figure out why people still use these poorly written old fasioned emulators when SmartGear exists!!
full screen in landscape on my tp2 with FULL keyboard mapping support.
NES, TG16, GG, Gen, SMS, GB, GBC
tgwaste said:
i just cant for the life of me figure out why people still use these poorly written old fasioned emulators when SmartGear exists!!
full screen in landscape on my tp2 with FULL keyboard mapping support.
NES, TG16, GG, Gen, SMS, GB, GBC
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Never heard of smartgear. That's why I still used those old fashioned emulators. Unfortunately even the best software can't give the TP2 a dpad.
Thanks for the heads up. Ill give this a whirl.
toadlife said:
Never heard of smartgear. That's why I still used those old fashioned emulators. Unfortunately even the best software can't give the TP2 a dpad.
Thanks for the heads up. Ill give this a whirl.
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W A S Z work just fine as a dpad. then I O K L for X Y A B
tgwaste said:
i just cant for the life of me figure out why people still use these poorly written old fasioned emulators when SmartGear exists!!
full screen in landscape on my tp2 with FULL keyboard mapping support.
NES, TG16, GG, Gen, SMS, GB, GBC
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Tried Smartgear and its good!
Now it needs SNES and GBA support
WaLshy11 said:
Tried Smartgear and its good!
Now it needs SNES and GBA support
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ya, thats the only thing lacking.
feel free to let the author know you would like him to finish SNES:
toadlife said:
Never heard of smartgear. That's why I still used those old fashioned emulators. Unfortunately even the best software can't give the TP2 a dpad.
Thanks for the heads up. Ill give this a whirl.
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The days of the dpad are over unfortunately. Android ( G1-Magic) devs are now making touchscreen virtual dpads that work great for their emulators.
Hopefully we will see those soon here. They have some really nice emulators already.
tgwaste said:
W A S Z work just fine as a dpad.
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Maybe for you, but not for me. I play games where pressing diagonal directions is important. That doesn't work out so well when using a keyboard. Smartgear doesn't emulate the sound correctly on my favorite game, Bases Loaded. It's still a pretty good emulator though.
kable said:
The days of the dpad are over unfortunately. Android ( G1-Magic) devs are now making touchscreen virtual dpads that work great for their emulators.
Hopefully we will see those soon here. They have some really nice emulators already.
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Without a multi-touch screen, I think screen controls are a non-starter. Lack of tactile feedback is also a bummer.
toadlife said:
Maybe for you, but not for me. I play games where pressing diagonal directions is important. That doesn't work out so well when using a keyboard. Smartgear doesn't emulate the sound correctly on my favorite game, Bases Loaded. It's still a pretty good emulator though.
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the phone doesnt support multitouch though, so onscreen controls are going to be much worse than using WASZ
tgwaste said:
the phone doesnt support multitouch though, so onscreen controls are going to be much worse than using WASZ
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Check this out!
If I can get this to work, I'll be in business!
After the Dream
After seeing the amazing emulators for the G1/Dream (especially the gba emu) I am somewhat disappointed that the winmo emulators that are out are really no where near as good as whats running on android. My theory is that android has proper support for the graphics chip on board and this is just one more reason I think android running on a TP2 would open up so much potential for the TP2's hardware. But hey if someone could get an emulator running at full speed at the 800x480 resolution that would rock. I would even take 640x480 with black borders if it had good frame rates. Imagine running the tv-out and having your own console emulator. I really hope that the marketplace will open up doors for more support for these kinds of things like it did for android. My G1 has been out for a year next month and boy has it come a long way. Winmo has had a huge headstart which I think will help jumpstart the market.

