text lag - Mogul, XV6800 General

Hey I am running the stock windows mobile 6.1 from sprint because I just got a replacement but I have always noticed that when i type a message, the letters always lag and it takes about 2 seconds for the phone to finally catch up. is there any solution for this problem out there because there was for the tilt but I tried that solution and it made things worse. any help would be appreciated.

I'd like an answer to that too.

That Makes Three Of Us And I Have To Say Its Pretty Darn Annoying!

From what I can tell this is just a problem with the hardware keyboard that has no fix (to the best of my knowledge)

actually not....
its not a problem with the hardware as it doesnt do this in the old 6.0 stock rom and when you hard reset then its normal and doesnt lag till a couple days later. I just flashed KAOS mogul rom from smartphonejunkie and it doesnt really do that at all. So there is something in the software definitely


Problem: have to wait 2sec. to answer after pick up

Hi, I think a lot of people have this problem - you pick up the phone than you have to wait about 2 seconds before you can start to talk. Any solution?
just upgrade to another faster rom
Didn´t help. I tried a couple of them over the month, but the problem is the same. Now I am using the newest from Helmi.
Did you try the 2.01.01PDA rom from pdaviet.net ? I think it's very fast and no phone delay problem
I have tried many diffrent ROMs but still facing this problem maybe its a harware issue rather than the software one.
I have this too. Thought it was default behavior. It's better when I don't flip the screen around. The rotating seems to take a while.

Buggy text messaging - can owners of a Niki please help?

Hi, I have noticed a problem and I was wondering if others could check if their phones do it or if I need a replacement.
When texting on the hardware keypad the response is rather slow, but more importantly it gets the keypresses out of order! Specifically, the order that I pressed the space key (0). If I text slowly this is not an issue, but if I blast away then I can consistently observe it make the same mistake. Here is my test:
In XT9 mode, start a new text message and type 'it going' really fast. This key sequence is 48046464
If I am texting fast, my Touch Dual will consistently enter 'hug mini', which is 48406464
Note that the space is one place too late.
This happens all the time with any other word combinations, and is worse when the device is stressed. I have no other running programs, I have not flashed from the stock Orange ROM, I have tried a hard reset and I AM typing correctly
Oh, a point of interest, if I train myself to type double spaces then it works, and only single spaces are written! Of course if I slow down though I see double spaces.
So, anyone else (preferably with the Orange ROM but all answers appreciated) have this problem?
I have exactly same problem. It is very, very annoying..
I don't have the Orange rom, I have original swedish rom, but I have the same problem. the most annoying thing is that I can't type as fast as a can, because of the delay.
i just tried this, no problem here. also, the space on mine is the # key.
im using toms rom also.
i typed it out really fast. there was a slight delay till the words showed up but it showed up as what it was supposed to.
have u tried the HTC Update?
There's been notices that that problem was fixed (or at least didn't happened so frequently)
I tried downloading it from HTC e-Club, but no difference.
The hotfix didn't help me, but I have made progress to solving this problem. It seems that the stock Orange ROM is just rubbish, I reflashed with a custom WM 6.1 ROM and it is much better. If I stress the device by doing lots of things at the same time then I can still make the error appear, but texting is actually bearable now when playing mp3s.
It's a shame I haven't uncovered the root cause of the problem. I refuse to believe it is in the Windows Mobile core so it must be something HTC have done to it. Do they have a different SMS composer or something?

Xperia crash

i have my xperia a couple of weeks now. i like it very much but for one thing it crashes to much. the rom is orginal i didnt change that. i even used hard reset but didn't solve the problem.
it happens mostly when i click the x panel.
does anyone have the same xperiance ( ). or does anybody knows why it crashes plz tel me.
Xperiance >.> ... it happens to me,, a lot, i got my phone two days back..
Unless you have touchflo 3d on your phone which cases it to crash like that. Nothing should crashes your phone like that. Hard reset and see if it does that again, exchange your phone if it does cuz thats not normal.
no there is no tf3d
i did a hard reset yesterday.
sometimes it works great doesnt crash i can use everything. but somethimes i want to change panel i press te "x panel" it doesnt do anything i'm forced to use the reset.
i want to know of its hardware or software that couse the crash.
Mine does this randomly as well. I’ve seen it in a hand full of forums and it seems to be normal. The only thing I’ve installed is the Garmin XT software and it’s never running. I’m just guessing but I think most all of them do it but it’s being attributed to popular hacks and add-ons because it’s random and untimely and/or they exasperate the problem. It’s even one of the rumored reasons for the rumored recall. There are also some odd charging issues.
I’m trying to decide whether to keep it, hoping for a firmware fix or return before the 30 days runs out.
ok thats means im not the only one with this problem, hope sony does something a fix or something.
what do you mean with odd charging issue? like when charging it gets very hot?
i have that sometimes to only when im using the phone and charging.
i think there wouldnt be a recall for crashing i think it has to do something with the panel and maybe a hotfix can solve the problem. im curious of someone using a custom rom of they still have the crash problem. if anyone can reply that has a custom rom??
Sometimes it gets really warm and though it says that it is charging, it's not.

The new ROM

I am about to download and install the new .48 ROM, but what excatly did they fix?
Are people sending and recieving all sms'es and calls now?
Are the buggy volume control fixed?
What about the big waiting time when launching the messenger app with people who have a long sms-history?
As far as i am aware absolutely no issues whatsoever have been "fixed".
This "new" ROM is simply the latest version being shipped in worldwide devices.
The weekly calendar issue seems to be fixed.
kasperknop said:
I am about to download and install the new .48 ROM, but what excatly did they fix?
Are people sending and recieving all sms'es and calls now?
Are the buggy volume control fixed?
What about the big waiting time when launching the messenger app with people who have a long sms-history?
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I don't know what has been fixed and I can't comment on the problems you listed since I've never experienced them but I can tell you what works better for me:
1) the keyboard is much more accurate. I was reasonably happy with the keyboard on the last ROM but this one is much easier to use.
2) the proximity sensor now works every time I make or receive a call. This was a bit hit or miss for me with the last ROM and would fail more often than it worked.
3) Battery life seems much better. Again, I was pretty happy with this on the last ROM but it just seems to last a lot longer now. I had network issues today (nothing to do with the phone, it must have been a problem with 3 in London today because my 3G dongle was down as well) and was expecting my battery to die relatively quickly. However, despite this and the fact that I was playing with the phone more today (because of the new ROM) my battery is holding about 20% more than I would expect it to hold at this point in the day. I haven't bothered with the patch to turn off the data connection either so my phone should be doing more now.
I can't comment on much more. I experienced the new bug with the inbox and SenseUI but that was dealt with by locking the phone. I also had some trouble connecting to my Exchange server but that was dealt with with a couple of soft resets. Everything is generally going quite well.
kasperknop said:
I am about to download and install the new .48 ROM, but what excatly did they fix?
Are people sending and recieving all sms'es and calls now?
Are the buggy volume control fixed?
What about the big waiting time when launching the messenger app with people who have a long sms-history?
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I have installed the new 1.48 rom today.
and I don't think they fixed anything. I still got a red blob on my pictures. And I still wait up to 45 seconds for replying sms. When the sms-history is long.!!!
I've installed it today as well (dutch version). A pity that you 've to reinstall all apps. No prob for me, as I'm still try to explore the phone.
Anyway connecting, installing etc everything was flawless, even the link with Exchange.
hmm,.. well,.. no issues so far
I've flashed the .48 over my belgian HD2 yesterday using the goldcard approach, I've got to say that I've yet to see any real improvement or bugfixes,...
The lockscreen acted up for a while but then mended itself automagicly and has been a good boy since.
Opera seems more responsive but that could very well be just me fooling myself.
Same goes for the keyboard, I caught myself noting 'hey, this seems a bit more sturdy than before'. This can all be attributed to perception, though
It works and the itch to be up to date has been scratched.. all in all I'd recommend it.
where do i get this rom, offical site please
Is this an official ROM?
Where can this be downloaded? How do you flash it?
Get the ROM from links in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=592954
Just installed it and personally think the touch screen is more accurate
Eoinoc said:
Get the ROM from links in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=592954
Just installed it and personally think the touch screen is more accurate
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Think or know, is it night & day better mate?
Can anyone tell me if they have kept all the software that was on 1.43, for example, ms office.
If someone can tell us what they have removed or added, that would be great.
parv1 said:
Can anyone tell me if they have kept all the software that was on 1.43, for example, ms office.
If someone can tell us what they have removed or added, that would be great.
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AFAIK they haven't added or removed any applications.
sunking101 said:
Think or know, is it night & day better mate?
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I installed 1.48 last night and I think its night and day better than then old 1.43 rom.
Screen is less sensitive (which is good) because it makes the keyboard easier to use, less multiple key hits etc.. so you can actually type more accurately. I still get the odd moment where they keyboard appears to spaz out, but I think this is still down to accidentally breathing on the screen or looking at it in a funny way.. man that screen is so sensitive sometimes..
I also found that rotating and typing with both thumbs in landscape mode made for a very compelling typing experience because the keys are slightly larger and further apart which makes hitting multiple keys at the same time even harder to do.
Once you have used the device for a day or so (to build up its dictionary of words that you use alot) its becomes really very quick to rattle off very long texts.
Its still not quite perfect, but its a huge improvement over the previous rom.

Problems with my hd2 - Help Please

So basically, my hd2 is not running smooth at all. Every time i do a rom update and then restore my contacts/messages/settings it keeps getting frozen and unresponsive. So I have to restart the device, but I don't know why it should be restarted anyway, isn't is kind of super fast?!?! So, now, when I recently updated my ROM, the device is so damn slow, that even after typing my PIN it takes a minute to launch htc sense and everything. When I'm moving through the tabs it's so damn laggy i can't stand it. . Is anyone else experiencing this????
To be honest, and I'm no expert, it sounds like you have some serious phone problems, probably out of your control. Not to sound like a pessimist but given how everyone else seems to be ok with the HD2, could be either a major rom/radio problem or hardware failure??
I've updated my hd2 using the official rom from HTC and, apart from the occasional lag i get from WinMo, my device runs sweet as a a proverbial nut. Especially as I have run the tweaks suggested by the forums here.
Given that you have said that you've upgraded the ROM and it's made no difference, the only thing i could suggest is possibly send it back under warranty?
Obviously, I'd wait and see if someone with more know-how has a better explanation, i'm merely giving you my POV.
Hope you get this sorted ASAP. A properly working HD2 is a marvellous thing.
All the best
To the OP,
There could be so many causes for your problems. I would start as follows:
- Take your SD card out and see if the phone boots and is not laggy with the card out
- If this does not work take a look at the SMS threads on here and see if the solutions there help you
- If no joy then read the Hints @ Tips thread on here, if you have not already done so, and pickup on the cache move tips, using the task manager to close open files, etc
- I that fails look for the thread "HD2 Died - or did it" and implement the solutions in there
- If that does not help and you have been flashing a fair few roms then hop over to the MTTY thread in rom development and see if that helps.
Plenty to be getting on with.
Hope you get it sorted.
My power up to sense loaded time = 55 secs.
Any different?
thanks for this quick reply. I am using Energy Leo ROM, but I don't think this could be the problem, or is it? Because I have performed a hard-reset now and it's running quite smooth again.. But the question is for how long.
Two questions I have now:
-does it happen to anyone, when you try to wake up the phone, screen doesn't wake up, only the keys in the bottom start to glow? It happened to me from time to time
-does anyone else experience missed key taps? When I tap something from time to time it just doesn't get recognized so I have to "retap" it...
[^IcEmAn^] said:
thanks for this quick reply. I am using Energy Leo ROM, but I don't think this could be the problem, or is it? Because I have performed a hard-reset now and it's running quite smooth again.. But the question is for how long.
Two questions I have now:
-does it happen to anyone, when you try to wake up the phone, screen doesn't wake up, only the keys in the bottom start to glow? It happened to me from time to time
-does anyone else experience missed key taps? When I tap something from time to time it just doesn't get recognized so I have to "retap" it...
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I have experienced question 1 and 2.. however not alot or not frequent.. I tend to think that this is just a computer and computers do crash depending on whats going on.. The missed screen taps only happens once or twice when its playing up. I do have a screen protector on though so whether the dust, oil or screen protector is causing that is a different story, but isnt a big problem for me to remove the screen protector to find out.
so, the latest problem.. my hd2 had been running for ~16 hours without any problem now, but in last 10 minutes i had to restart it twice, because the screen stopped responding after i wanted to type new sms in a conversation (first time) and after i had a pop-up message about new sms (second time). As said before, I'm using energy rom, latest issue (17.2.). Could the problem be, in fact connected with this rom or specifically with sms software?
using cooked roms you can generally expect a few lockups and restarts.
Also, the screen not powering up, just the hard keys backlight is an issue across the board, from custom roms to official roms. Some roms seem to do it, some don't, but one that doesn't do it to me might well do it to you.
[^IcEmAn^] said:
so, the latest problem.. my hd2 had been running for ~16 hours without any problem now, but in last 10 minutes i had to restart it twice, because the screen stopped responding after i wanted to type new sms in a conversation (first time) and after i had a pop-up message about new sms (second time).
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It has been mentioned before that if you have a large number of texts stored, it will take a while for it to allow you to reply to a text. (It has to go through the database, check for the texts sent by the user, then arrange them alongside the ones sent to them by you, then put them in chronological order, then display them, this takes time)
but i would presume the device should be working anyway (but slower, of course) and not flashing the display and being "frozen" ?
The frozen issue with texts is all in the SMS thread I pointed you to earlier. Solutions to the phone freezing are in the HD2 Died thread, again as I pointed out earlier.
How many of these potential solutions have you tried? Tryy these things first then come back if they don't work rather than make assumptions about your ROM.
after 3 months i still have the issue with missed strokes.. even after the latest energy rom update :\

