Slow WiFi - 8125, K-JAM, P4300, MDA Vario General

i am able to connect to my home wireless network on my mda but it is extremely slow. is there any way to speed it up? i can also connect to my friend's wireless network when i'm at her house, but the internet pages will not load at all. does anyone else have this problem with the mda?
I have a G4 mda with radio 2.60 installed
other than that, just the normal tmobile rom.
also, i want to upgrade to a windows mobile 6. help on how to do that? i have no clue how to unlock my phone or anything of the sort.
help would be appreciated.


Cingular 8125 only associates to network, doesn't connect

I just updated my Cingular 8125 to the 2.17 ROM, ive updated my radio, ive got omapclock running @ 252 coming on every standby with memmaid, and its running amazingly.. the only thing I cannot seem to do is get my Wizard to CONNECT to my wireless network. My buddy has a PPC6700 from Sprint, im not sure which device it is, but it seems to connect and stay connected forever. What my device is doing is associating like a Windows PC would do if the WEP key index was off or it was trying to connect and could only associate. Could anyone please help me? I've had this problem ever since i have had the device, before the updates.. Thanks

WIFI Issues on M1000 (Hymalaya)

Hi wonder if you guys can shed any light on this,
iam using a Hymalaya (orange m1000) with the safecom wireless SD Wifi Card (SWLSDI-1100) which has been working perfect also using PocketWiNc to manage the connections
Now a friend of mine without net access on his pc has been and now suceeded to set it up to use the gprs connection to surf the internet on his pc, i mention this because he tested it on mine and it was then when my problem started.
The Scanner will fing my or any other network and display it with good strengh, hell iam sat next to it, but it doesnt stay it will hold for say 60 sec then lose the connection for another 120 sec (approx) it doesnt stay long enough to let me connect to it,
wonder if anyone knows of anything that could cause this. has worked on this set up before so something must have changed but i cant find it.
any help would be highly appreciated.
many thanks in advance

4.01 touch wireless problem

HI i am wondering if anyone got a solution to the wireless connection getting cut of while on msn live or surfing the web then you would have to switch off wireless and turn it back on but the connection gets lost even whilst the wireless is still on and connected to the router any solution to this so i can have wireless on for longer time and also i have got manual IP Address set on the phone still doesnt make a difference any help on this problem would be grateful either then that amazing fast rom thanks for all the help in advance and regards to the ROM keep up the great work i have also installed the new 3.08.09 radio
same prob
yeah man, i got the same problem

Dopod C730 not able to connect to [email protected]

I have got this Dopod C730 phone from M1. After using it, I notice that for certain Wifi connections, it cannot seems to get connected, eg [email protected] located at Jurong Point Mac and Amway Building, any my office wireless network and some other [email protected] But I have no problem connecting to my home wireless and some other Mac/KFC [email protected]
I do get full signal strength for those wifi which cannot be connect, but however, when I try to connect, it will either shows connected for few seconds (but cannot surf) then die off, or cannot be connected. After which when I try again, my phone cannot detect any wifi signal anymore, even for those which can be connected also disappeared! I will need to soft reset my phone to get back the signal.
I have even tried to do a hard-reset (reset to factory setting) under Setting -> Clear Storage, but it doesn't help. The same problem remains. My colleages have Windows Mobile 2005 and Pocket PC 2003 and they have no problem connecting to these Wifi. So I am quite sure is the phone problem.
Have anyone encountered this problem before? Any solution to this as it is really a hassle as when you need wifi connection, you do not know which [email protected] can or cannot get connected.
I have sent it for repair at SIS (Dopod Distributor) but after a week, I did not get any response from them. When I finally called them, they said no problem with the phone. Really a waste of time. Since made several emails to them but they don't seem to response promptly. I have even made an effort to record the problem own on video, sent to them, then they again never response.
Therefore I need those with Dopod C730 to go around to test the [email protected] and if you have this problem, do let me know and we can sent them up for compensation together. If you have any solution, do also let me know.
acehunterz said:
I have got this Dopod C730 phone from M1. After using it, I notice that for certain Wifi connections, it cannot seems to get connected, eg [email protected] located at Jurong Point Mac and Amway Building, any my office wireless network and some other [email protected] But I have no problem connecting to my home wireless and some other Mac/KFC [email protected]
My colleages have Windows Mobile 2005 and Pocket PC 2003 and they have no problem connecting to these Wifi. So I am quite sure is the phone problem.
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I have got the same problem connecting my JasJam (Dopod 838Pro) to my Draytek 2820Vn router at home. It detects the available network, looks as if it connects, then drops out. Eventually the access point shows up as "unavailable".
I could connect easily to my old Billion 7402VGO router, which used the same transmission channel (11). Other desktops, notebooks and my son's HP iPaq on PPC2003 connect fine.
Problem seems to be something in WM6 that disagrees with some routers, seemingly the more industrial-strength ones. I have referred the issue to Draytek, but as yet have received no illuminating response.
Not sure what OS your Dopod is running on, but if it's a WM6 variant, it's likely to a similar problem.
I cannot offer a solution only to say that I have similar problems. Connecting to my providers 3G service and to my home wireless router can be a bit problematic but even when connected and I try to find a web page the service will disconnect after a time showing a blank web page with 0bytes downloaded. I am using a Dopod 838 Pro bought in Hong Kong and using in the UK. I am thinking about upgrading from Windows Mobile 6 to 6.1 in the hope that may provide a solution.

How do you connect with wifi on Fuze?

I have had my fuze for about 2 weeks now and i cant figure out why my wifi isn't working. it connects and everything but when I open a web browser or a program that requires internet, it will not connect.
Please tell me your procedure on how you connect to wifi AT HOME with your Fuze or even touch pro.
I called AT&T and they couldn't help. I even called HTC themselves and still nothing. does it have anything to do with the proxy and anything else such as setting I don't know about...plzzzzz help
Thank you in advance.
