Install Operator settings, fails - JASJAR, XDA Exec, MDA Pro General

I personally got no success installing both Qtek and i-mate .CAB files, provided to setup my Operator settings (TMN in Portugal) into a Qtek9000!
So, need to repeat the manual procedure, everytime I reinstall the unit. :evil:
It runs well for the MMS client settings, but not for the 'internet GPRS', 'MMS GPRS' and 'WAP GPRS' settings, which do not get into effective configuration.
Examining the correspondent .CAB files, also realised that 'MMS Client settings' are installed through a .REG method, while remaining settings are defined into a .XM file (CM_Entries.xml), despite they seem to be registry tweaks as well.
- Anyone with similar experiences?
- What may be getting wrong with these .XML setups or .CAB files?
- How to install/load settings directly from a .XML file, without using it into a .CAB?
- Why the operator settings (and others?) are always set via .XML and not through regular .REG files? Not possible?

Can I use a .XML file to do the same as a .REG file, and vice-versa?
How to load the .XML settings, without of a .CAB file?
Why use .XML files?

What does .XML files do, that we can't do the same with a .REG file?


How can I create runable .reg files

I have created several reg files for things like "GPRS always on" (or off), BT headset always on fix, system fonts, date in taskbar, etc etc.
Currently, after a hard reset, or if I want to switch a reg setting, I have to open TRE and import the reg file. Is there a way I can run the reg file and have it automatically add to the registry. ie on Windows XP .reg files can be double clicked.
Thanks in advance...
In XP you can doubleclick on a .reg file because they are associated with the app "c:\%windir%\system32\regedit.exe"
This application imports the file into the registry.
Windows XP must have a registry editor that supports importing files to import .reg files. And associate .reg files with this application.
WM2005 must have a registry editor that supports importing files to import .reg files. And associate .reg files with this application.
All you need is to find (or create) is an application that can be associated with .reg files, and imports them to the registry..
Good luck with that!
TRE has a setting under 'options' that assosiates it with .reg files. Clicking a reg file now imports it. Let's start uploading our reg tweaks!

change file association - how to?

Isthere a utility to change file associations?
In particular, how can I get clicking a .url extension to open Opera 8.5 inplace of PIE?
Use Resci File Explorer.... :lol:
Or gsfinder.
Or the registry - CLSID section.
Tillanosoft Pocket Tweak can allocate file extensions,
It is a small program and freeware, enables you to edit registry etc with file extension allocation as well.
Try this site for free download
File association
vijay555 wrote:
Or the registry - CLSID section.
Please specify the full path (HK......\...).
My problem is to show the file extensions, by now my JJ only show the file name with a (useless) icon on the left.
Is there a registry (CLSID or some other) to activate the extensions, without installing a third-party software (Resco explorer, etc.)
Thank you.
Not sure about the earlier roms, but in the latest rom (Ivan...etc), you can click the file and select properties. Under properties, you can select "Associate" to link your file to specific programs.

Enable MMS folder via Registry

Hi guys,
Question....does someone maybe know the registry settings to enable the mms folder in WM5?
Sure I know I can use a cab for it, but I am trying to find out what registry settings are needed to enable the MMS folder without installing the CAB file.
I am looking for the specific settings for a HTC Wizard, but settings from another HTC phone would be a good indication to start (I hope).
Regards, thanks and to all a very happy new year (of developing),
One of the CAB files I posted (I think) had it in it.. And I know I've seen the keys around here somewhere.. Unfortunately, I don't have an 8125 any more though, and I'm not quite finished with poking around my 8525 yet (planning on unlocking the ExtROM today so I can start deciphering CAB files).
I'll let you know what I come up with from the 8525 perspective.
I found your CAB file and I extracted it.
Unfortunately the same results as I have with the T-Mobile MMS Folder doesnt work
I install the CAB file, the MMS folder shows up, I export all the MMS Registry settings, do a hard-reset, import all the Registy settings and no MMS folder showing up.
I think it has something to do with the following registry values:
"Deleted Items"=dword:00009F00
After a hard-reset and installing this CAB file every time the values are different??
Could be. I'm honestly not too sure. But whateve reg values are in that CAB I've used over countless resets.
I'm getting ready to walk out the door in a few minutes, but when I get to my buddy's place I should be able to sit down for a few and look at the CAB and see what's in there again and go from there.
Take a good look at the values I posted....I really think it has something to do with those values changing every time you install the cab after a hard-reset.
Which CAB file are you using? I see a couple that I've posted.. Want to make sure I'm looking at the right one..
Beside having the MMS Folder to appear, I think you should have a service provider cab in ExtRom to configure to the right Service Provider's Server or you have to manually key it.
I am not sure if Wizard is the same.
cab files like mms folder and contain the values of certification on them it cannot be integrated so far, i tried,when you install a cab like mms, it writes several numbers to the cert part of the registry,once you install another cab that contains cert values ,it just overwrites the old values .
this is why the service providers never integrates such settings.
all this values that the mms cab writes to the registry can be found in the .XML file ,but must of them are build in the setup .dll ,the dll is coded with a set of instructions ,and this are the one that enable mms.
lets say you manage to extract all the reg settings for mms,then build into a custom cab this is all fine,but now you also want to integrate lets say..smardialing,well u cant because when you export the reg settings from one it overwrites the other because they use the same address in the registry.(cert}
I already have integrated SmartDialing in the default.hv and it works, will install a few cert apps and check if Smartdialing still works.
The only thing that is giving problems so far are:
"Deleted Items"=dword:00009F00
I checked every settings that is created by the MMS folder Cab, but only these settings will change after installing the CAB.
But after reading your answer Faria, I think we cannot create inbox folders for whatever via the default.hv, is this true?
molski said:
I already have integrated SmartDialing in the default.hv and it works, will install a few cert apps and check if Smartdialing still works.
The only thing that is giving problems so far are:
"Deleted Items"=dword:00009F00
I checked every settings that is created by the MMS folder Cab, but only these settings will change after installing the CAB.
But after reading your answer Faria, I think we cannot create inbox folders for whatever via the default.hv, is this true?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Smart Dialing working?
Please tell us.
These registry values are included in default.hv and/or user.hv
And it works
Maybe I forget something, but test it and let me know!
p.s. These Reg values are from a HTC Wizard
molski said:
These registry values are included in default.hv and/or user.hv
And it works
Maybe I forget something, but test it and let me know!
p.s. These Reg values are from a HTC Wizard
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
yes smartdialing works .i did it a month ago....but mms no.
once you put the cert settings for one of those cabs into the default hive its fine... but if you put another cab settings from another program into it,it gets overwrited .
molski said:
These registry values are included in default.hv and/or user.hv
And it works
Maybe I forget something, but test it and let me know!
p.s. These Reg values are from a HTC Wizard
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Does this works on Universal Helmi Aku3.5 V1.3?

ROM flashers - do you cab your personal info?

I'm toying with the idea of putting together a cab with my owner info, local area code, alerts and notifications settings, etc. Has anyone else done this? And if so, which keys did you grab? What are your thoughts? How well did it work? I'm using CERegistryEditor and WinCE Cab Manager - any better tools for the job?
I know this can be done with Sashimi, in fact that's what gave me the idea to do some provisioning... I just thought a cab in the UC folder would be quick and painless.
I made provXMLs/cabs of my email accounts, power saving settings, and auto light sensor settings, which get installed by XDA User Customization on the first boot. The easiest way to do this is to use the XML maker in sashami (makisu), then save the .xml file onto your SD card. For any settings found in Schapps' Advanced Configuration Tool, you can export them as .XML files which are usable with UC. Then, in your SDConfig.txt file, use the XML: command (as opposed to CAB:) and specify its file path as you would with any .cab file. For any settings found in Schapps' Advanced Configuration Tool, you can export them as .XML files which are usable with UC. Then, UC will import the registry entries from the provXML on the first boot.
Or if you really want .cab files, I believe you can import provXMLs as registry settings with WinCE Cab Manager since your provxml is identical to _setup.xml (which contains registry settings) found in the root of any modern .cab. Then, you can create the .cab file, and it'll install all your registry settings. If that fails, you can still use the official Microsoft .cab SDK and cab up the XML, as detailed here. It may seem like a lot of work, but it'll be completely worth it once you've automated everything.

Possible to change program assignments?

In my Dopod, when I click on a TXT file in my File Explorer, it always opens in MS Pocket Word. Then I have to be careful to select the correct file save as text files.
I installed some alternative NotePad programs but there appears to be no way to change the file extension type assignments to start up the correct program instead?
I have googled quite a bit but came up empty!
Anybody solved this problem?
AFAIK, Advanced Config has such an option to change file associations.
I had Advanced Config 3.2 already but did not know it had file association.
Found it under More Settings!
Unfortunately, when I tried to re-assign the program, it bombed when I was navigating the tree view.
Eventually, had to copy the application to \Program Files\ and select it from there!
After that, it seems to accept the settings.
Unfortunately, after the soft reset, the extension is still pointed to same application as before!
Latest update!
Something very funny is going on.
Advanced Config shows that the file association has been changed.
TXT file is now:
\Program Files\PocketTextEditor.exe "%1"
However, when I click a txt file in File Explorer, it still opens with Pocket Word!
Did I do something wrong?

